要 旨:
1. Background
Topics discussed here are mostly from a International Cooperate Project: CO2 Ocean Sequestration,
funded by Japan, USA, Canada, Norway, and Australia (Phase-I, 1997-2001) and Japan (Phase-II, 2002 ? 2007).
CO2 ocean sequestration is one of the options to reduce atmosphere CO2 concentration and mitigate the global
warming. The basic idea is to try to direct injection of CO2 into a middle / deep ocean.
2. Dynamics of an individual CO2 droplet in water/seawater
2-1 Lab. Experimental studies:
Leaser interferometry measurement of water density change due to CO2 dissolution
CO2 dissolution rate
CO2 hydrate precipitation
CO2 solubility measurement
Relative velocity of CO2 droplet in water (drag coefficient, deformation, ..)
2-2 Modeling
Individual CO2 droplet dynamics (mass and momentum transportation)
State Eq. of CO2 enriched water.
3. Small-scale (L < 10 Km) turbulent ocean and Two-fluid flows
Observation of ocean turbulent flow
LES of small-scale turbulent flow (Re-construction of small-scale turbulent ocean)
Two-fluid turbulent flow simulations
Dynamics of two-phase/fluid plumes
A simple box model
4. Modeling of biological impacts of floating marine organisms on pH changes due to CO2 dissolution
Injury degree sub-model
A Eulerian-Eulerian Physical-Biological Impact Model of Zooplankton Injury Due to CO2 Ocean Sequestration
5. Meso-scale (10 km < L < 100 km) turbulent ocean simulations
A two-fluid nesting model
6. Modeling of ocean general cycles (Global scale)
CFC uptaken
Global ocean flows
7. Some field observations
7-1). Monterrey Bay field experiment of release of CO2 into the ocean (California USA)
Observation facilities: Ships, ROV (Remotely Operated Vehicle), Accoustic Sonar system, …….
Break-up of liquid CO2 into droplet covered by hydrate
A buoyancy drive break-up of liquid CO2
Modeling of CO2 droplet clouds
7-2). Okinawa field observations (a natural CO2 +CH4 droplet dynamics)
Observation data and modeling.
8. IPCC special reports on CO2 Capture and Storage