High-quality single crystals are essential for semiconductor industry and photoelectric technology. Floating zone and Czochralski techniques are two of the most important methods of crystal growth. In the present presentation, the applications of CFD in crystal growth: (1) CFD in floating zone crystal growth under microgravity, and (2) CFD in Czochralski crystal growth are introduced firstly.
In addition, CFD is highly relied on the high-performance computer. With the great development of personal computer, PC cluster has been widely adopted for High-Performance Computation. In the latest list of TOP500 supercomputer, many supercomputers are, in fact, Itanium2, Opteron, Xoen based cluster. (refer to link: http://www.top500.org/lists/plists.php?Y=2004&M=11 for the latest TOP500 Supercomputer list). The performance about Itanium2, Opteron, Xeon based PC cluster will be also discussed in this talk.